Laughing Hyena Studio
Magical Emporium and Apothecary

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Laughing Hyena was created as a place to have fun with imagination and the idea that one can enjoy the realm of magic and fantasy, within everyday life. What started with a simple idea of let's make a few wands, has expanded to what it is today and still is growing!
With the magic of family, friends, and strangers, it has evolved and become a place where people come to faire and visit us. Upon seeing the looming presence of our guard dragons, you will step through our door and be transported into our humble shop, Laughing Hyena Magical Emporium and Apothecary. Once inside, you will behold all of our magical offerings and may meet Marigold the Fairy, Grollo the Goblin, Mogrin the Dwarf, and of course, myself, Professor Korovous.
The stories and people we have met along this incredible journey warmed my heart and drive me to forge ahead with new magic and dreams. From the elegant hand-turned wands that we began with, we have now expanded to Potions, Potions Ingredients, Poisons, Plagues, Leatherwork and so much more.
I never thought this journey would have taken me along this path. But then again, that is what magic does, does it not? It grabs hold of you and takes you to places where you never dreamed of going.
So being here on this website is but one part of the journey! We look forward to seeing you in person at the faires that we visit. Look for the giant dragon guardians they will be waiting ever vigilant for your arrival. When you arrive Marigold will happily put a pot of tea for you, eager to hear about your adventures. For whom does not like a good story….
With much Love and Magic,
Professor Korovous